Our very own Newcastle branch manager Roger Lee is set to run the Great North Run on Sunday 12th September in aid of PSP Association – in which to help raise funds for research and treatment and bring awareness to this terrible disease.
After being personally affected by Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) within his family, Roger is set to run 13.1 miles from the centre of Newcastle all the way to South Shields (that’s half a marathon!) in hopes to create a difference within the PSP community.
What is PSP?
PSP is a rare progressive condition that causes difficulties in vision, speech, balance, movement and swallowing. These symptoms are caused by an increasing number of brain cells that gradually become damaged over time. Due to the symptoms being progressive and having sub-types that can slightly vary, it makes it hard to diagnose within the early stages of the condition.
The national charity was set up in 1994 to raise awareness, provide support and information to the people living with PSP and CBD and to research treatments and ultimately find a cure after the founder realised there was little to no information about the disease when his wife was unfortunately diagnosed with PSP. From there, PSPA has grown into a national charity, but still needs your help to progress further!
How to help?
Being the only UK charity to support people living with PSP & CBD, the PSP Association relies on donations and gifts from the greater public to help support and keep the charity going, to further provide information to people suffering from this disease and keep researching for treatments and a cure.
£10 will provide a copy of ‘Your Personal Guide to PSP’
£20 pays for one person to attend our Family and Friends Day
£50 funds laboratory equipment for a day’s research
Donate here today and give what you can to help support this great cause!
Learn more here: https://pspassociation.org.uk/